
What is Exif data?

Exif data is a record of the settings a camera used to take a photo or video. This information is embedded into the files the camera saves, and we read and display it here.

elated ArticlesPassive smoking danger was underestimated30 June 2004Nano fuel additive enters efficiency trials15 October 2003UK aims for halving of particle pollution17 September 2001Search New ScientistContact usWeb LinksTobacco Control Unit, National Cancer Institute, MilanASK ConsultantsTobacco Control
The air pollution emitted by cigarettes is 10 times greater than diesel car exhaust, a small Italian study finds.
Researchers compared the particulate matter in the exhaust fumes from a modern car engine, fuelled with low-sulphur diesel, and in cigarette smoke. Three smouldering cigarettes produced a 10-fold increase in air particles compared to those produced by the idling vehicle.
“I was very surprised. We didn’t expect to find such a big difference in the particulate matter produced,” says Giovanni Invernizzi from the Tobacco Control Unit of Italy’s National Cancer Institute in Milan, who led the study.
Ivan Vince, an air pollution expert from Ask Consultants in London, UK, says the findings are reasonable. He notes that cigarettes give off a lot more respirable particulates than the new generation of low-sulphur diesels, which help cut particulate emissions.Smouldering cigarettes
Invernizzi and colleagues conducted their controlled experiment in a private garage in the small Alpine town of Chiavenna, which enjoys a particularly low level of air pollution.

Golden Tips To Leave Smoking or How To Quit Smoking

Will Power
First Thing you must have in your mind is Will power that too very strong. Without your Mind's energy you can't leave any habit. Prepare your mind as your want to leave this habit. If you succeed, more that half work is done. You mind is a immense source of energy and can do anything if you really want. So prepare your mind as you want to leave smoking.
There are some facts you may think and I am sure your mind will be ready to help you in leaving smoking. Its funny but very true. Just think about there facts
  • You are wasting money on a material that will result into ashes.
  • What can smoking gives you ?
  • Atomst It can give you diseases, diseases and only diseases.
  • This shows you are spending money for making yoursel sick. Is it good idea ?
  • After becoming sick you have to pay more money to doctor for treatment of disease.
  • Total Diseases caused by smoking are more than that of available brands of Cigaratter or Bedies. Some disease are Heart attacks, Strokes, (COPD) and Vapour Type of Cancer etc etc etc. The list is on my friend.
  • You are disturbing your neighbors, friends and even your family members. Not only disturbing, you are also affecting their health silently. Specially if you have children then their health is affected very seriously by smoking .If you really want this ?

I am sure after thinking all this your mind will be set to the position Lets Leave Smoking. Trust me its practical. Our mind is a fool and best thing is that it is very emotional. We can set it to do any work for us and it has ability to do that.
The term cigarette, as commonly used, refers to a tobacco cigarette but can apply to similar devices containing other herbs, such as cloves or cannabis. A cigarette is distinguished from a cigar by its smaller size, use of processed leaf, and paper wrapping, which is normally white, though other colors are occasionally available. Cigars are typically composed entirely of whole-leaf tobacco.

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